Please Note: Pick-Your-Own dates are subject to change based on the availability and ripeness of fruit. Call us for current information at (315) 638-7783. You can also keep up to date with us on Facebook.
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Abbott Farms Apple Varieties and Uses. Please click the link below.
All of these can eat or bake well. It really is personal preference. Just know that soft apples cook down quickly and may not
blend well with hard apples. The secret to a great cooking experience is to blend 2 or more of the same density.
Apple Use - click here
Asparagus spears grow from a crown that is planted about a foot deep in sandy soils.
Under ideal conditions, an asparagus spear can grow 10″ in a 24-hour period.
Each crown will send spears up for about 6-7 weeks during the spring and early summer.
After harvesting is done the spears grow into ferns, which produce red berries and the food and nutrients necessary for a healthy and productive crop the next season.
A well cared for asparagus planting will generally produce for about 15 years without being replanted.
The larger the diameter, the better the quality!
Asparagus is a nutrient-dense food which in high in Folic Acid and is a good source of potassium, fiber, vitamin B6, vitamins A and C, and thiamin. It is also Fat Free, contains No Cholesterol and is low in Sodium.
Saucepan or Steamer: Cook fresh asparagus in a small amount of boiling water until tender. Fresh asparagus will be crisp-tender in 5 to 8 minutes.
Frying Pan: Place a strip of folded aluminum on the bottom and up the sides of the pan, extending over the edges. Bring water to a boil; add asparagus spears and cook, uncovered, until crisp-tender, 3 to 5 minutes. Use foil strips to gently lift the spears to a serving dish.
Stir-Fry: Cut spears diagonally in 1/2 inch pieces, leaving tips whole. Stir-fry pieces in butter or hot oil, in a skillet or wok at medium high heat. Stir constantly until tender-crisp, 3 to 5 minutes.
Microwave: Microwave fresh asparagus by placing one pound in a microwavable dish. If cooking whole spears, arrange with tips in center. Add about 1/4 cup water and cover tightly. Microwave at 100% power for 4 to 7 minutes for spears, 3 to 5 minutes for cuts and tips. Stir or turn halfway through cooking time.
Keep fresh asparagus clean, cold and covered. Trim the stem end about 1/4 inch and wash in warm water several times. Pat dry and place in moisture-proof wrapping. Refrigerate and use within 2 or 3 days for best quality. To maintain freshness, wrap a moist paper towel around the stem ends, or stand upright in two inches of cold water.
You can also freeze asparagus so you can enjoy them all winter long. Wash them thoroughly. Trim stem end slightly. Leave spears whole or cut in 2″ lengths. Sort according to stalk thickness; small, medium and large. Blanch in boiling water according to the following directions:
The blanching process may also be done in the microwave. To do this, place the asparagus in a microwavable dish. Add two Tablespoons of water per pound. Cook at full power for 1 to 2 minutes, or until bright green and still crisp. After blanching, submerge immediately in ice water. Drain well and pack in plastic freezer bags or containers, leaving no excess air space. Seal, label and freeze at 0° F. Use within 8 months for best quality. Do not defrost before cooking. If asparagus becomes defrosted, cook immediately. Do not re-freeze.
If you would like to keep your asparagus longer canning would be your best choice.Wash and drain asparagus spears. Leave spears whole or cut into pieces. Boil 3 minutes. While hot, place into canning jars, leaving 1 inch head space. Add 1/2 teaspoon salt to pints, 1 teaspoon salt to quarts, if desired. Cover with boiling water. Adjust caps. Process in steam pressure canner 25 minutes for pints, 30 minutes for quarts, at 10 pounds of pressure (240° F). Keep canned asparagus on a shelf in as cool and dry a place as possible. Date jars as you prepare them and use the oldest jars first. Use within a year.
Early American colonists made grey paint by boiling blueberries in milk.
If all the blueberries grown in North America in one year were spread out in a single layer, they would cover a four-lane highway that stretched from New York to Chicago.
The blueberry is the second most popular berry in the U.S., the strawberry is number one. Over 200 million pounds of blueberries are grown commercially each year.
North America produced nearly 90% of world blueberry production in 2005.
Blueberries are rich in Vitamins A, C, E and beta-carotene as well as rich in the minerals potassium, manganese, magnesium.
They are very high in fiber and low in saturated fat, cholesterol and sodium.
1 c. of blueberries is 84 calories.
Blueberries contain no cholesterol or fat and are also low in calories.
Blueberries are high in dietary fiber, Vitamin A and niacin.
They contain iron and other trace minerals and are a fair source of Vitamin C.
Blueberries are ranked No. 1 in antioxidant activity compared with 40 other commercially available fruits and vegetables. That means a serving of blueberries has more of the antioxidant power you need to fight aging, cancer and heart disease.
Like a healthy human being, a vibrant blueberry should have a little bounce to it.
Once picked, don’t place the berries, still warm from the sun, in a closed bag or container. Leave the container open so moisture doesn’t form in the container.
Don’t wash berries until just before using to prevent berries from becoming mushy.
• Sort your blueberries dry and unwashed. Chill berries soon after picking to increase shelf life. Store in the back of the refrigerator in a resealable plastic bag and your fresh-picked blueberries will keep 10 to 14 days.
• Freeze berries without washing to keep the skins from toughening. Place berries one layer deep on a cookie sheet. Freeze, then pour the frozen berries into freezer containers. Because unwashed blueberries freeze individually, they can be easily poured from containers in desired amounts. Remember both frozen and fresh berries should be rinsed and drained just before serving. Just before using, wash the berries in cold water.
Italian Prune Plums
The glory of the Italian Prune Plum lies in its size. Because it is small, and less juicy than other plums, when it is baked, it concentrates in flavor and texture, so that the fruit maintains more of its shape, and because there is less liquid, the flavor is more intense.
European plums, (prunes or prune plums) are always freestone, meaning the flesh does not adhere to the pit, and they are also always blue or purple in color.
European plums are smaller and firmer than the Japanese plums, and they are also sweeter and less juicy.
This hardy plum is good for cooking and preserving.
Plums are ripe and ready to eat when they give off a sweet plum aroma and are soft to the touch.
To remove the pit in freestone plums, cut along the seam of the plum to the pit, then twist each half in the opposite direction. The pit can then be easily cut out.
Plums can be peeled easily by dropping them in boiling water for around 30 seconds and then immediately chilled in ice water. The skin of the plums will slip off like those of peaches or tomatoes done in a similar fashion.
Even though plums are mostly consumed fresh, they are delicious sautéed or baked as a side dish for poultry and pork. They are also delicious in stuffing, jams, chutney, tarts, sauces and soups. Chefs often prepare plums with cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, lemon, orange, orange liqueurs, brandy and ports.
Store the plums at room temperature (between 51°F and 77°F) until fully ripened and ready to eat. To accelerate the ripening process when you bring them home, place the plums in a paper bag along with a ethylene producing fruit such as a banana, apple or pear.
Once ripened, store the plums in the refrigerator until eaten but keep them away from ethylene producing fruit so they do not become over ripe.
Pumpkin seeds can be roasted as a snack.
Pumpkins contain potassium and Vitamin A.
Pumpkins are used for feed for animals.
Pumpkin flowers are edible.
Pumpkins are used to make soups, pies and breads.
The largest pumpkin pie ever made was over five feet in diameter and weighed over 350 pounds. It used 80 pounds of cooked pumpkin, 36 pounds of sugar, 12 dozen eggs and took six hours to bake.
Pumpkins are 90 percent water.
Pumpkins are fruit.
Pumpkins are just plain good for you. They are low in fat, low in calories, loaded with vitamins and just plain good.
1 cup of pumpkin purée has 80 calories and contains less than 1 gram of fat.
Although all varieties of pumpkins are edible choose smaller pumpkins for eating. Sugar pumpkins are usually labeled by the market for cooking purposes as opposed to those used for decorating or Jack-o’-lanterns.
Pumpkin seeds can be toasted on a cookie sheet in the oven at a low temperature. Be sure to stir them often and watch for burning. Some prefer to soak the seeds in salt water before toasting.
Shelled pumpkin seeds can be used as a less expensive alternative to pine nuts in recipes.
Try cooked mashed pumpkin in cake and muffin recipes for added moisture and texture.
Higher temperatures cause pumpkin flesh to become stringy. If you end up with a stringy pumpkin, you can beat the pulp with an electric mixer on high speed for ten seconds and then switch to low speed for sixty seconds. The strings should wrap around the beaters for easy removal.
Homemade pureed pumpkin for pies is usually much thinner in texture than canned. To alleviate excess moisture, bake rather than steam or boil the pumpkin. Mash and drain through cheesecloth before using in pies.
For cooking purposes, choose smaller sizes, which will have more tender, flavorful flesh.
Select pumpkins which are free of blemishes, harvested with their stems intact, and those which feel heavy for their size. Unless they are waxed by the grower, a shiny skin indicates the squash was picked too soon. Look for a dull finish.
Plan on purchasing 1/3 to 1/2 pound of pumpkin per serving as a side dish. Much of the weight will be discarded in the peel and seeds.
Store in a cool, dry place, such as an attic or spare room (root cellars are too damp) at 45 to 60 degrees F. up to a month, or refrigerate for up to three months.
For extended storage, wash skins in a solution of about a tablespoon of chlorine bleach to a gallon of water to disinfect the skin and discourage mold or rot.
Dry immediately as dampness encourages spoilage. If you find mold, wipe with vegetable oil to remove the mold and seal the spot.
Fresh pumpkin can be pared and cooked in the same manner as most any winter squash (grilling, boiling or baking)
Leftover cooked pumpkin can be frozen up to 16 months or canned.
Raspberries come in many colors besides red: there are also black, purple and gold raspberries.
Raspberries are a very healthy food! They are high in Vitamin C, and full of antioxidants.
Raspberries contain a natural substance called ellagic acid, which is an anti-carcinogenic (cancer-preventing) compound.
Raspberries have been shown to lower high blood cholesterol levels and slow release of carbohydrates into the blood stream of diabetics.
Raspberries are high in fiber. Half to one pound of raspberry fruit per day can provide twenty to thirty grams of fiber which is adequate for an adult daily nutrition requirement.
Raspberries are a type of bramble, like blackberries and are also known as “Cane berries”
Raspberries are different from blackberries in that the fruit has a hollow core that remains on the plant when you pick the raspberry.
Raspberries are so expensive in the grocery store because, since they are so soft, they bruise easily, spoil quickly and do not ship well. It’s much better to pick your own!
2 pints (4 cups) of raspberries are needed for a 9″ pie
1 cup of raspberries is only 61 calories and high in dietary fiber
Raspberries are high in potassium, vitamin A and calcium
Raspberries contain about 50% of the recommended daily allowance of vitamin C.
Avoid placing the picked berries in the sunshine any longer than necessary. It is better to put them in the shade of a tree or shed than in the car trunk or on the car seat.
Cool them as soon as possible after picking.
Raspberries are more perishable than blueberries or strawberries, so make a point of refrigerating them as immediately as possible after purchase.
Even under ideal conditions raspberries will only keep for 1 – 2 days in a refrigerator, so for best flavor and texture, consume them as soon as possible after purchase.
Pour them out into shallow pans and remove any mushed, soft or rotting berries
Put a couple of days supply into the fridge, wash and cut the caps (green tops) off the others and freeze them up!
DON’T wash the berries until you are ready to use them. Washing makes them more prone to spoiling. Raspberries may be kept fresh in the refrigerator for two or three days, depending upon the initial quality of the berry. After a few days in storage, however, the fruit loses its bright color and fresh flavor and tends to shrivel.
You can easily freeze berries that you can not use right away – just wash, cut the hulls and lay on paper towels to absorb most of the water from the berries. Spread a single layer on trays and freeze. Once frozen remove the berries from trays and store in air tight container. You now can enjoy raspberries all year round by the handfull instead of thawing out a full container at at time.
The berries will keep for many months frozen without air.
Rhubarb originated in Asia over 2,000 years ago. It was initially cultivated for its medicinal qualities, it was not until the 18th century that rhubarb was grown for culinary purposes in Britain and America.
Rhubarb is often commonly mistaken to be a fruit but rhubarb is actually a close relative of garden sorrel, and is therefore a member of the vegetable family with a unique taste that makes it a favorite in many pies and desserts.
Rhubarb is rich in vitamin C and dietary fiber.
Rhubarb is a perennial plant.
Rhubarb is 95% water and contains a fair source of potassium, contributes minor amounts of vitamins, and is low in sodium.
Rhubarb’s crisp sour stalks are rich in vitamin C, dietary fiber and calcium, although the calcium is combined with oxalic acid and so is not easily absorbed by the body.
One cup diced Rhubarb contains about 26 calories
1 lb. cooked rhubarb yields 3/4 cup.
When buying Rhubarb choose fresh crisp stalks, and peel off any stringy covering before use.
Stand the stalks in cold water for an hour or so to refresh them before cooking.
Before use, discard any leaves and trim the ends.
Completely peeling rhubarb is unnecessary.
Rhubarb requires sweetening to minimize the extreme tartness. It can be served as a sauce over ice cream, combined with fresh strawberries, or made into pies, tarts, puddings, breads, jam, jellies, and refreshing beverages.
Cut all of the leaves away from the Rhubarb stalks and the stalks will keep well in the refrigerator for two to three weeks in sealed plastic bags.
To freeze rhubarb choose firm, tender, well-colored stalks with good flavor and few fibers. Wash, trim and cut into lengths to fit the package. Heating Rhubarb in boiling water for 1 minute and cooling promptly in cold water helps retain color and flavor.
Dry Pack Method: Pack either raw or preheated Rhubarb tightly into containers without sugar. Leave head space (see table below). Seal and freeze.
Syrup Pack Method: Pack either raw or preheated Rhubarb tightly into containers, cover with cold 40 percent syrup (see table below). Leave head space (see table below). Seal and freeze.
The strawberry patch is located across the street from our store. Our field is broken up into 3 sections and we grow 12+ varieties, which are all labeled for your convenience.
“Where do I go when I arrive?”
Park in the lot by the field. Your first stop is at our shed to pick up a reusable picking container; or have the one that you brought from home weighed. We will also tell you which rows we are picking from that day.
Our strawberries are grown on raised, plastic beds. This system keeps the plants cleaner, cuts down on weeds, and keeps our fruit from sitting in puddles of water. We spread straw between the rows to keep our field clean for you & your family.
We do ask that you please keep the weather in mind and dress appropriately. If it has rained recently, boots or waterproof shoes are a good idea. There is no shade in the field so don’t forget your sunscreen.
Do you know which varieties you like by name? If you do, great! If you don’t, we encourage you to try a sample while picking. We want to ensure that you go home with a basket full of berries that you are going to love! In case you are wondering, yes, it is safe to eat the berries in our fields without washing them first. Our family & employees do – LOTS!
When you have finished picking, head back to our shed to have your berries weighed and pay right there in the field. How easy is that?!? We accept cash & credit cards (MC, Visa, Discover) at our sheds.
There are over 32 named species and hundreds of varieties of strawberry plants.
The Garden strawberry is the most common type of strawberry grown commercially.
Strawberries are the only fruit to wear their seeds on the outside. There are about 200 seeds on each berry!
1 cup of strawberries is only 50 calories and 11g of carbohydrates but packs in 160% of the recommended daily value of Vitamin C!
Strawberries are a good source of Vitamin A, Vitamin C and are low fat.
Eight strawberries contain more Vitamin C than a medium sized orange.
The US strawberry industry is over $1.2 billion dollars annually, and strawberry festivals are very popular.
The United States is the top strawberry producing country in the world, followed by Spain.
The typical modern strawberry is a hybrid from both North and South America.
The strawberry was considered poisonous in Argentina until the mid-1800’s.
2 cup of strawberries, crushed will yield about 1 cup of purée.
Berries picked at full maturity and consumed or frozen within a couple of days will not only taste better, but will also be more nutritious.
Refrigerate fresh berries in shallow containers as soon as you pick them.
Wash berries in cold water only when you are ready to use them. Do not allow berries to soak.
Berries stored with stems stay firm and retain their vitamin C longer than those without stems.
Remove hulls and spread on absorbent towel until dry.
Strawberries at room temperature are sweeter than cold strawberries.
Sweetness varies by variety and growing conditions.
It is always a good idea to taste one berry from a lot before you process the others. This allows you to adjust the amount of sugar according to the tartness and your individual taste (a somewhat tart berry usually holds flavor better through the freezing process.) Honey may be substituted for sugar (see freezing tips.)
Sort and remove any bruised or damaged berries as soon as possible and use in sauces, purées or jams. Careful storing and handling will maintain their maximum flavour, colour and texture.
Basic freezing: Berries may be sliced or mashed and packed 6 parts berries to 1 part sugar.
Tray Pack: Spread a single layer of fruit on trays, freeze, and remove, package and return to the freezer. Strawberries can be frozen and safely kept for up to 1 year
No Sugar: Simply pack berries in container and freeze.
Sugar Pack: Put berries into container, add desired amount of sweetener and freeze.
Syrup Pack: Whole berries can be packed into a container and covered with a mixture of equal parts sugar and water. Freeze.
Honey may be substituted for sugar when freezing berries: To substitute, use 1/2 the amount of sugar a recipe calls for. For example, if a recipe calls for 1/2 C sugar for each pint, use 1/4 C honey.
To Thaw: Frozen berries retain better shape with slow defrosting in the refrigerator–never thaw by placing under running water or in the microwave.
Strawberry Pretzel Salad Download as Word Document Download as PDF
Sweet Cherries
“Where do I go to pick cherries?” Park in our store parking lot. The cherry shed is located behind our store, nearest the rows of cherry trees. There will be a sign opposite our back door, indicating which direction to go.
We grow 4 varieties of sweet cherries on our farm.
Our trees are tall but there are no ladders and we do not allow you to climb them, for your safety. When we have determined that there is no more low hanging fruit, we will close our cherry u-pick for the season and our workers will clean pick the trees. The remaining fruit will be for sale in our store. We are working on planting new trees that will not grow quite so tall, but it will be a few years before they are producing fruit.
As cherry season for us is very short, please CALL AHEAD to make sure we are picking that day.
The Cherry fruit is known to grow in many areas of the United States and the trees have a very short fruiting season.
Cherries are one of the very low calorie fruits; however, are rich source of nutrients, vitamins, and minerals. Both sweet as well as tart cherries are packed with numerous health benefiting compounds that are essential for wellness.
Scientific studies have shown that anthocyanins in the cherries are found to act like anti-inflammatory agents by blocking the actions of cyclooxygenase-1, and 2 enzymes. Thus, consumption of cherries has potential health effects against chronic painful episodes such as gout arthritis, fibromyalgia (painful muscle condition) and sports injuries.
Cherries are low in cholesterol, fat and sodium and are high in antioxidants that help to fight cancer and heart disease. They are also a very good source of fiber and Vitamin C.
Cherries do not ripen after harvest.
Cherries are very versatile fruits and can be a part of any meal or dessert. From breakfast to soups and salads, these find their way into any food item easily!
Serving size = 1 cup (145 g) sweet cherries, pitted
Per serving: 91 calories; 0.5 g fat (.1 g sat, .1 g mono); 0 mg cholesterol; 23 g carbohydrates; 18 g sugar; 1.5 g protein; 3 g fiber; 5 mg sodium; 268 mg potassium.
Sweet as well as sour cherries can be used for jams. Sour cherries are used more often as an ingredient in pies and are suitable for making soufflés, cooked fruit compotes etc.
Since the cherry fruit bruises easily, you need to handle them with care.
To really bring out the flavor of cherry, use ¼ teaspoon of pure almond extract.
Cherries should be refrigerated immediately, do not wash or cover. Storage time will vary, but may be up two weeks.
To freeze: (Do not pit when freezing) Rinse, drain thoroughly, blot with paper towel, spread them in a single layer on a baking sheet, and place in the freezer overnight. Once frozen, the cherries can be transferred to freezer bags. Frozen cherries can be kept up to a year. You can eat frozen cherries straight out of the freezer, just be careful not to bite the pit. Thaw them for 10 minutes prior to using in recipes.
To can: rinse and stem them first. Pit them if you desire. Pack cherries into clean, sterilized jars. Pour a sugar syrup over fruit (one cup sugar to three cups water, heated until sugar is dissolved). Apply proper lid. Process in boiling water bath for 20 min. Place in pints and quarts.
Cherry Ice Cream Pie with Chocolate Cookie Crust Download as PDF Download as Word document
Summer Cherry Salad Download as PDF Download as Word document
Chocolate Cherry Crisp Download as PDF Download as Word document
Sweet Corn
Today’s sweet corn was discovered in the late 1700’s in an Iroquois village along the beautiful Susquehanna River in central New York.
Corn is a good source of many nutrients. A medium size ear of corn has about 75 calories and 1 gram of fat. It supplies carbohydrates, protein, potassium and it´s also a good source of dietary fiber.
Corn should be cooked and eaten soon after picking for the best taste.
As fresh corn ages it loses it´s sweet taste, it´s nutrients, and it becomes starchy, tough and rather tasteless.
When it comes to cooking, corn is very versatile. After husking, cook corn by placing ears upright in a stockpot with 1 to 1 1/2 inches of water and a tablespoon or two of sugar. Cover the pot and let it steam for about 7 minutes after boiling begins. Or… lay ears in a pan, with two to three quarts of water and about 3 tablespoons of sugar, and boil for about 4 minutes. Never add salt to the water since that can make the corn tough. Do not overcook.
Corn can also be microwaved. For the best flavor, remove the outer husk, letting the inner husks remain. After microwaving, pull the husks downward to remove them along with the silk. Or… you can clean and husk the corn first, wrap it in waxed paper or plastic wrap and cook for about two minutes per ear.
Grill corn by wrapping individual ears in aluminum foil after cleaning and husking. Add a small amount of butter and seasoning and wrap the corn in the foil. Grill for about 15 minutes, turning a few times.
You can also leave the husk on the corn and soak it in cold water for 6-8 hours and put it on the grill for about 15 minutes, turning a few times.
After buying, wrap unhusked ears in a plastic bag and refrigerate until preparation time. Do not remove husks before storing fresh corn….The husks help retain freshness.
Corn freezes well on or off the cob, but for best results it must be blanched and frozen soon after harvesting. To blanch sweet corn on the cob, use a large stockpot partially filled with water, enough to cover several ears at a time. Bring the water to a rolling boil, then place the corn in the boiling water. Begin timing as soon as you immerse the corn in the boiling water. Cover the pot and boil on high temperature… small ears for 7 minutes, medium sized ears for 9 minutes, and large ears for 11 minutes. You may use the same boiling water two or three times. After boiling, cool the corn immediately in ice water for the same amount of time as it was boiled. Drain the corn thoroughly.
To freeze whole kernel corn, blanch the corn on the cob for about 5 minutes. Cool thoroughly in ice water for 5 minutes. Cut the corn from the cob and package in freezer containers or good quality freezer bags. Frozen sweet corn (at 0° F or lower) can be stored for a maximum of 12 to 18 months.