In Season: August-October
One of our main crops is, you guessed it, APPLES! We grow 21 different varieties ranging from New York's favorite Empire to the classic Gala and Red Delicious. Softer apples like Jonamac make excellent applesauce while Honeycrisps make the most amazing pies. Call to check availability often if you are searching for a specific type!

Raspberries come in many colors besides red: there are also black, purple and gold raspberries.
Raspberries are a very healthy food! They are high in Vitamin C, and full of antioxidants.
Raspberries contain a natural substance called ellagic acid, which is an anti-carcinogenic (cancer-preventing) compound.
Raspberries have been shown to lower high blood cholesterol levels and slow release of carbohydrates into the blood stream of diabetics.
Raspberries are high in fiber. Half to one pound of raspberry fruit per day can provide twenty to thirty grams of fiber which is adequate for an adult daily nutrition requirement.
Raspberries are a type of bramble, like blackberries and are also known as “Cane berries”
Raspberries are different from blackberries in that the fruit has a hollow core that remains on the plant when you pick the raspberry.
Raspberries are so expensive in the grocery store because, since they are so soft, they bruise easily, spoil quickly and do not ship well. It’s much better to pick your own!
2 pints (4 cups) of raspberries are needed for a 9″ pie
1 cup of raspberries is only 61 calories and high in dietary fiber
Raspberries are high in potassium, vitamin A and calcium
Raspberries contain about 50% of the recommended daily allowance of vitamin C.
Avoid placing the picked berries in the sunshine any longer than necessary. It is better to put them in the shade of a tree or shed than in the car trunk or on the car seat.
Cool them as soon as possible after picking.
Raspberries are more perishable than blueberries or strawberries, so make a point of refrigerating them as immediately as possible after purchase.
Even under ideal conditions raspberries will only keep for 1 – 2 days in a refrigerator, so for best flavor and texture, consume them as soon as possible after purchase.
Pour them out into shallow pans and remove any mushed, soft or rotting berries
Put a couple of days supply into the fridge, wash and cut the caps (green tops) off the others and freeze them up!


DON’T wash the berries until you are ready to use them. Washing makes them more prone to spoiling. Raspberries may be kept fresh in the refrigerator for two or three days, depending upon the initial quality of the berry. After a few days in storage, however, the fruit loses its bright color and fresh flavor and tends to shrivel.
You can easily freeze berries that you can not use right away – just wash, cut the hulls and lay on paper towels to absorb most of the water from the berries. Spread a single layer on trays and freeze. Once frozen remove the berries from trays and store in air tight container. You now can enjoy raspberries all year round by the handfull instead of thawing out a full container at at time.
The berries will keep for many months frozen without air.